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Original Research Article

Year: 2014 | Month: July | Volume: 1 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 1-15

A Study on Remediation of Polluted Water Using Canna Indica

Helen Roselene

Department of Environmental Science, Mount Carmel College, Palace Road, Bangalore- 560052


Background: Bangalore, a nerve center for various economical activities, exhibits a radial pattern of drainage, distributing from the apex and ramifying to the lower plains with dentric and reticulate drainage pattern. Through this fresh water resources formed supply water for the population in the localized body called lentic water bodies. A lake is a sizable water body surrounded by land and fed by rivers, springs, or local precipitation. Lentic ecosystems (still waters) can be considered to have three zones – littoral, limnetic and benthic.
Aims and objectives:

Methodology: The Surface Water samples (5-10 cm below the water surface) for chemical analysis were collected from Bellandur Lake and brought to the laboratory in 5 liters cans. 6 months triplicate samples were collected (N=18) .The composite sampling method was used to collect the water sample. The sample was collected between 8am and 10am.
Results: The water quality of Bellandur lake was analyzed for the Surface Water samples from 3 sampling points. The descriptive statistics on the lake data reveals that the mean value for 6 months in Bellandur Lake shows that the conductivity, turbidity, TDS, DO, hardness, alkalinity, phosphate, nitrate and BOD is above the ISI standard. Other parameters such as pH, potassium, chloride, sulphate and COD are below the permissible limit. Bellandur Lake showed high Lead content beyond the permissible limit.
The Correlation analysis between the variables of water quality parameters of Bellandur Lake showed a positive significant correlation between conductivity and turbidity; TDS and Hardness; Turbidity and Hardness ; Potassium and Chloride, Sulphate; BOD and COD; Alkalinity and COD.
Conclusion: The present study indicates that Canna indica has a higher potential uptake of toxic metal lead. When properly designed and applied, the wetland system with and Canna indica as the ornamental plant would play a key role in minimizing the impact of imminent global clean fresh water resource. Canna indica which is harvestable and represents economic products, thus ensuring sustainability to the ecosystem.

Key words: Remediation, Polluted water, Canna indica.

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