International Journal of Research and Review

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Review Article

Year: 2015 | Month: 11 | Volume: 2 | Issue: 11 | Pages: 710-714

CSR; an Active System in Place of Build Product Constancy

Dr. Girish. M. Purani

Associate Professor, Arts and Commerce College, Piparia, Vadodara, Gujarat


This study is to define that corporate social responsibility (CSR), is an active system for forming product constancy among the customers with respect to the reactive nature of company towards society. The paper will be carried on prior work exposed on CSR and Product constancy and the concepts given by several secondary data are mentioned for the work. The attitude of the paper invites the way to understand the social system creating faithful customers for the company. The paper will help in having a new approach of creating product constancy. The paper suggests that the companies should look forward for the growth but should not ruin the social responsibility. The positive attitude towards social Welfare also helps in creating solid product constancy. CSR creativities, positive. Sensitive and lively responsiveness of corporate office will be helpful for creating product constancy among customers for the products of the company. It will also help in image building of companies Image in CSR? Activities. Hence CSR will be recognized as effective way for creating product constancy.

Keywords: CSR, Product Constancy, Responsiveness And Company’s Image.

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