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Case Report

Year: 2015 | Month: March | Volume: 2 | Issue: 3 | Pages: 114-116

Management of Yauvan Pidika (Acne Vulgaris) With Unique Combination of Ayurvedic Herbs- A Case Study

Mukund. M. More1, Dnyaneshwar. K. Jadhav2

1Sr. Professor, 2MD Scholar,
Kayachikitsa Department, S. G. R. Ayurveda College, Solapur.

Corresponding author: Dnyaneshwar. K. Jadhav


In today’s world of glamour and beauty it is a natural tendency that every one of us is highly conscious about our skin. Skin is the most visible part of the body that reflects personality of a person. Skin disorders like Yauvan Pidika creates physical as well as mental stress to an individual.
In ancients days Yauvan pidika was not critical or not harmful because of proper diet & proper life style. Following a diet or life style that is against the season or the prakriti (nature) of a person produce disease. In Ayurvedic terms Yauvan pidika caused by aggravation of Pitta Dosha in body. The Pitta had further impaired the Raktaand Meda Dhatu (blood and fat tissues), producing toxins that blocked skin’s pores, leading to pidika (acne) formation. Epidemiology of Yauvan pidika is increasing nowadays due to Industrialization and Agriculture.
A simple knowledge of Ayurveda can help us prevent and even treat such skin disorders.

Key words:Yauvan pidika, Acne vulgaris, Ayurvedic, Ayurvedic herbs, Effective therapy.

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