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Review Article

Year: 2016 | Month: February | Volume: 3 | Issue: 2 | Pages: 103-107

Delivery of Quality Pharmaceutical Products - The Ultimate Need of Corporate & Consumers

Nirmal Kumar, Prof. (Dr) Ajeya Jha

Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology, Majitar, Rangpo, Sikkim -737132, India.

Corresponding Author: Nirmal Kumar


Health care quality is strictly perceived as the fitment for intended use by patients. In fact the responsibility of drug manufacturer to ensure quality starts from product discovery and ends when the bioavailability of medicines are confirmed by patient. Pharmaceutical business operation is the only segment where quality of products plays an ultimate role in its success. The basic reason behind this quality centered approach due to any quality failure of products shall cause irreparable loss to company in terms of revenue and goodwill.
The exploratory study has been conducted to comprehend the quality need of various stakeholders of pharmaceutical business. The review indicates the severity of implication of manufacturing and distribution of pharmaceutical products categorized as Not of Quality Standards (NSQ).
The impact of decay in quality standards shall have direct or indirect blow on business in one hand whereas in other hand the patients won’t be able to get the quality medicines on time. Quality of life saving drugs is the need of all pharmaceutical stakeholders including corporate and consumers.

Key words: Health care, Pharmaceutical, QMS, GMP, GCP, GDP.

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