International Journal of Research and Review

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Original Research Article

Year: 2017 | Month: December | Volume: 4 | Issue: 12 | Pages: 43-51

Factors Hindering the Implementation of Cooperative Learning in Secondary Schools of Harari Regional State, Ethiopia

Anwar Ahmed

Lecturer in Haramaya University, College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, Department of Adult Education and Community Development


The main purpose of this study was to assess the factors that hinder the implementation of cooperative learning (ICL) in secondary schools of Harari regional state. Hence, the study employed quantitative research method. The total population of the study was 6,985. 70 teachers and 200 students were included as a sample through stratified random sampling technique. Additionally, 6 principals and 3 supervisors were included through purposive and available sampling techniques respectively. Questionnaire, semi-structured interview, document analysis and observation checklist were used to collect the necessary data. The result of the study revealed that: student related factors (Beta=0.19, p<0.05), classroom related factors (Beta=0.23, p<0.05) and teacher related factors (Beta=0.56, p<0.05) were significantly affecting the implementation of CL while school leaders related factors (Beta=0.08, p>0.05) was not significant predictor of CL implementation. The equation for the regression line y=-7.3+0.29 (CRrf) + 0.2 (Strf) + 0.06 (SLrf) + 1.17 (Trf) indicated that, the four identified independent variables (factors) had combined effect on the overall implementation of CL. Confirming this, model summary table of multiple regression showed that, 96.5% of the overall CL implementation was affected by the combined effect of the four factors. Therefore, it is recommended that, teachers have to apply the principles of CL like providing timely and sufficient feedback, assigning responsibility for each group members and re-organizing groups rather than using the same grouping structure longer period of time.

Key words: Cooperative learning; Factors; Implementation

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