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Case Report

Year: 2017 | Month: January | Volume: 4 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 64-67

Metatypical Basal Cell Carcinoma - an Uncommon Interesting Morphological Variant of Basal Cell Carcinoma

Vaidehee Naik1, Hoogar M.B.2, Reeta Dhar3, Atul Jain4, Avani Jain1

1Junior Post-graduate students, 2Associate Professor, 3Professor, 4Assistant Professor,
Department of Pathology, MGM Medical College, Navi Mumbai.

Corresponding Author: Vaidehee Naik


Background: Metatypical Basal Cell Carcinoma is rare variant of basal cell carcinoma which shows features of both basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma.
Case Report: The case being discussed below is of a 69-year-old female who presented with an ulcerated lesion below the right eye. The biopsy from the margins of the ulcerated lesion was carried out which revealed characteristic features of basal cell carcinoma with focal contiguous areas of round to polygonal cells with vesicular nuclei showing features of moderate to marked nuclear atypia along with focal formation of parakeratotic whorls. Focal areas showing sheets of dysplastic cells with marked intercellular oedema reminiscent of acantholysis were also noted.
The case being presented here is unique in the sense that contiguous areas of basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma were noted in the same tumours with space continuity, which is diagnosed as metatypical carcinoma, which has definite implications for clinical management and outcome of the tumour. 

Key words: metatypical, basal cell carcinoma, morphological variant.

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