International Journal of Research and Review

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Original Research Article

Year: 2017 | Month: May | Volume: 4 | Issue: 5 | Pages: 110-113

Knowledge on Utilization of Maternal and Child Health Services among Rural Married Women

R. SreeRaja Kumar

Associate Professor, School of Nursing Sciences and Research, Sharda University, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh


Maternal and Child Health is recognized as one of the significant component of the family welfare. Maternal and Child Health services are essential and specialized services. More over, children are the asset for the family, community and nation where as, mothers have an important role in their growth and development. In spite of the wide spread infra structural facilities and service interventions in the rural areas, the morbidity and mortality among children continue to be a major cause of concern to the planning commissions. The focus seems to be the quality and level of utilization of services which are linked to the knowledge and availability of these services to the target population. Therefore the investigator planned to conduct the study to assess the knowledge among married women on utilization of MCH services. The research approach adopted for this study was evaluative approach and one group pre and post test design. The independent variable is STP and dependent variable is knowledge on utilization of MCH services. The setting of the study was at selected rural areas of Tumkur district. The sample consists of 60 married women and convenient sample technique was used to select the sample. The findings of the study revealed that the overall knowledge score shows increase in mean post test knowledge 25.53 with SD 2.10 than mean pre test knowledge 14.52 with SD 2.63. Hence in all areas post test scores are increased so the hypotheses is accepted significant at p< 0.001 level. It shows that STP was effective in increasing the knowledge of mothers. There is significant relationship between ages, education of mother, family income, and no. of children with post test knowledge scores.

Key words: Knowledge, Maternal and Child Health Services, Structured teaching programme, Rural married women.

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