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Original Research Article

Year: 2017 | Month: June | Volume: 4 | Issue: 6 | Pages: 44-53

Surveying of Cereal Crops Market Chain in West Shoa Zone of Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia

Amsalu Solomon, Jifara Teshale

Lecturer at Ambo University, College of Agriculture and Veterinary Science, Department of Agribusiness and Value Chain Management, Ambo, Ethiopia.

Corresponding Author: Amsalu Solomon


In Ethiopia, cereal production and marketing are the means of livelihood for millions of small holder households and it constitutes the single largest sub-sector in economy. But, in the country there is a great market fluctuation from time to time. Markets and marketing system do not develop simultaneously with economic growth. In From within agriculture, staple crops have stronger growth linkage resulting from more than proportionate increase in total Growth Domestic Product (GDP). But, market chain is weak and even not available in some areas. Therefore, the aim of this study was assessing the market chain of cereal crops in Dandi, Toke Kutaye and Ambo districts of Oromia Region, Ethiopia to know whether there is satisfactory market chain in the study area. Among 70 sample size of the study, 20, 22, 28 of the respondents were from Dandi, TokeKutaye and Ambo districts respectively. Primary data were collected through questionnaire, interview and focus group discussion while secondary data were obtained from internet and relevant documents. Descriptive statistics like graphs, charts, arithmetic mean, standard deviation and frequency distribution were used by utilizing SPSS, version 20 to analyse the collected data. The research result identified that there was no strong market chain in specified area for specified commodity. It was concluded by this study that strong market chain can exist if stakeholders are willing, all the actors are transparent, producers focused on trade and consumers, and government facilitation.

Key words: Market, Chain, and Cereal.

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