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Original Research Article

Year: 2017 | Month: July | Volume: 4 | Issue: 7 | Pages: 89-94

Morphometrical Changes in Placenta of Undernourished Mothers and It’s Effect on Foetal Weight

Kiran Kumar P1, Raj Kumar Srivastava2, Shirin Jahan2, Sapna Singh3

1.Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Anatomy, 2Professor, Department of Anatomy, 3Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology,
Rama Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Kanpur, Rama University (India).

Corresponding Author: Kiran Kumar P


Introduction: Placenta is a membranous vascular organ that develops in female mammals and mediates maternofoetal exchange of gases, nutrients and metabolites. The examination of placenta during period of pregnancy and post-partum provides valuable information about the state of foetus well-being. Maternal nutrition during pregnancy has a pivot role in the regulation of placental-fetal development, there by affects the lifetime health and yield of offspring.
Materials and methods: In the present study 194 placentae were collected under 2 groups. Group-I (Control group): normal pregnant women. Group II (Study group) consists of Subgroup IIA - Undernourished mothers with anaemia, Subgroup-IIB: Undernourished mothers without anaemia, Subgroup-IIC: Anaemic mothers with pre-pregnancy BMI>18.5kg/m2. Out of 194 placentae, 92 were of group I, 41 of group IIA, 15 were of group IIB and 46 were of IIC.
Results: The weight, diameter, the number of maternal cotyledons of placentae and fetal weight were significantly decreased in undernourished group particularly in undernourished mothers with anemia (Subgroup IIA).
Conclusion: Within the limitations of the present study it can be concluded that in undernourished mothers, there was reduction of placental weight, placental diameter, and the number of maternalcotyledons leads to placental insufficiency which impact on the foetal growth resulting to low birth weight.

Key words: Placenta, undernourished mothers, anaemia, morphometric changes, foetal weight

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