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Research Paper

Year: 2017 | Month: September | Volume: 4 | Issue: 9 | Pages: 34-37

A Study of Stakeholders Expectation for Tourism Attributes Development

Prof. Parag A Gadve

Assistant Professor, Sipna College of Engineering & Technology, Amravati


Physical flow of tourism into a destination is usually accompanied by flows of their money too, money that is earned in the generating regions, but spent in the destination on products, that would be unlikely to exist without tourism. It gives importance to the stakeholder’s expectation about tourism attributes and its development to increase the physical flow at the tourist destination it is much necessary to develop tourism attributes at the destination. Research study focuses on the two main stakeholders like tourist and local people. Study analyzed the expectation agreement level of both the stakeholders. Researcher identifies 21 tourist attributes and concluded with most common important attributes development requirement.

Key words: Tourism Attributes, Stakeholder, Destination, Expectation

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