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Research Paper

Year: 2018 | Month: October | Volume: 5 | Issue: 10 | Pages: 97-100

The Solution of Stereotype Case to Children in Formal School

Dr. Nike Kamarubiani1, Dr. Mubiar Agustin2, Dr. HenyDjoehaeni3, AsepDeniGustiana4

1Pendidikan Masyarakat, 2Pendidikan AnakUsia Dini, 3Pendidikan AnakUsia Dini, 4Pendidikan AnakUsia Dini,
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung

Corresponding Author: Dr. Nike Kamarubiani


This research was started from many negative labels or stereotype cases for children done by the people in the school. That labeling of speech was done by them from giving hatred speech to doing discrimination such as verbal or nonverbal action. The hatred speech was caused by the behavior in giving stereotype and prejudice as well. Ironically, most agencies in many of the schools or institutions that develop great character of children that be supposed to be safe children from stereotype and negative prejudices become the source of the destructive. Based on that phenomenon, in that research, researcher tries to describe the kinds of stereotypes happening in the school. This research used qualitative research methods with literature study. The results of this research indicated that there were so many forms of labeling happens in school such as; the speech spoken by teachers who state that children are stupid, having dark skin, curly hair, and s other physical appearances. Therefore, It will give an impact to children psychology if doing continuously. As the conclusion of this research, the appropriate solution or way to learn and to solve this problem is with developing the friendly school model to learn for the children

Key words: Stereotype, Early Childhood Education.

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