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Original Research Article

Year: 2018 | Month: October | Volume: 5 | Issue: 10 | Pages: 159-164

The Influence of E-Learning to Enhance Basic Science of Medical Students’ Achievement

N Juni Triastuti

Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta


Background: The quality of learning applied in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta since 2008 refers to the Problem Based Learning method. The curriculum is applied in FK UMS which is then adjusted to the learning method applied. However, many obstacles encountered mainly in the basic science courses which include the Premedical Science in Homeostatic Setting III Block. The density of material and basic content that is an obstacle therefore has an impact on student achievement scores which is still low and there are several students who did not graduate in this course.
Purpose: This activity aims to develop e-learning in the course of the Premedical Science in Homeostatic Setting III, therefore, in order to obtain satisfying student learning achievement in this course. The second objective is to test the effectiveness of using e-learning to student’s performance.
Methods: The students involved were semester 2nd medical students, which are about 125 students. Learning Management system that will be used is Schoology. Development of material content was done using the Dick Carey Model design. Descriptive and analytic test using paired t test then be conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of using e-learning to improve student’s achievement.
Results: Based on descriptive analytic obtained that an overall there are significance improvement in terms of mean between previous performance prior to implementing e-learning to final achievement after conducting the e-learning program, which p of 0.000 and mean difference of 4.144 and t of 5.407.
Conclusion: The use of E-learning as a learning method in the basic science course is proved to enhance medical students’ achievement.

Key words: e-learning, basic science, medical students’ achievement, Dick Carey Model

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