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Original Research Article

Year: 2018 | Month: December | Volume: 5 | Issue: 12 | Pages: 312-319

Blind/Ultrasound Guided FNAC in Management of Intra Abdominal Lump

Dr Hari Kesh Yadav1, Dr Rakesh Kumar Tripathi2, Dr Saurabh Singh3, Dr Divya Dwivedi4

1Lecturer General Surgery, Govt Medical College Superspeciality Hospital Chakrapanpur Azamgarh
2Associate Professor, General Surgery Govt Medical College Azamgarh
3Junior Resident Surgery GSV Medical College Kanpur
4Assistant Professor, Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, GSVM Medical College Kanpur

Corresponding Author: Dr Rakesh Kumar Tripathi


Introduction- Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) as practiced today is an interpretative art with histopathology as its scientific base. It is an outdoor procedure necessitating neither patient’s preparation, nor specialized anesthesia. It eliminates lengthy periods of watchful waiting, is safe and almost painless.
Aims - To assess the role of fine needle aspiration cytology in the diagnosis and management of palpable abdominal lumps prior to exploratory laparotomy.
Materials And Methods- The present study was carried out to evaluate the accuracy of FNAC in the patients having palpable lumps or tumors in the abdomen. 52 cases were collected from the outpatient and inpatient department of surgery, GSVM Medical College Kanpur with a period ranging from Jan 2012 to Dec 2013.
Observation- Majority of lumps was found to arise from Gall Bladder and Retroperitoneal Lumps each constitute 21.64% of cases. The next organ involvement was found to be ovarian lump constitute 19.23%.
Conclusion- FNAC is a very safe and O.P.D procedure. It is a rapid cytodiagnostic process with no major complication. FNAC should be done preoperatively in every abdominal lump with suspected diagnosis to formulate correct management plan & avoidance of more invasive surgical procedure.

Key words: FNAC, Intra-abdominal lump, Lymph node.

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