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Original Research Article

Year: 2018 | Month: January | Volume: 5 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 68-71

Comparison of the Performance of the Right and Left Sided Double Lumen Tubes for One Lung Ventilation during Thoracic Surgery in Chinese Population

Dr. Mahalaxmi Deuja1, Dr. Smriti Singh2

1Senior Registrar Anesthesiologist at Human Organ Transplant Centre, Bhaktapur, Nepal.
2Assistant Professor at Department of Physiology, Nepal Medical College, Kathmandu, Nepal.

Corresponding Author: Dr. Mahalaxmi Deuja



Objective- To compare the performance of the right and left sided double lumen tubes (DLTs) by evaluating the incidence and severity of hypoxemia, hypercapnia and high airway pressure.
Design – A prospective, randomized, comparative and interventional study.
Setting- university hospital thoracic surgery department.
Participants- Sixty patients were included in the study. They were allocated randomly into 2 groups. Right sided DLT group (N=30) and left sided DLT group (N=30). After induction of anesthesia patients were intubated with either right sided DLT or left sided DLT for one lung ventilation during thoracic surgical procedures. Cases with cardiac disease (EF<45%), CRF, Liver dysfunction and COPD were excluded in the study.
Measurements and Results - There were no cases with SpO2 less than 90%, Etco2>45mmHg and peak inspiratory pressure >35cmH2o in both groups. There is no difference in SPO2, slight elevation of ETCo2 and FIO2 in left sided but slight decrease in peak inspiratory pressure on right sided tubes than left sided tubes.
Conclusion- when intraoperative hypoxia, hypercapnia and high airway pressure are used as criteria, both tubes have equal performance level and safety.

Key words: lung isolation, equipment safety, anesthesia, intubation, thoracic surgical procedures.

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