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Original Research Article

Year: 2018 | Month: April | Volume: 5 | Issue: 4 | Pages: 21-26

>Knowledge on Home Care Management of Diarrhea among Mothers of Under-Five Children

Prof. S. Rajathi1, Prof. J. Sunitha Priyadharshini2, D. Saranya3

1Professor cum Head of Child Health Nursing Department, 2Principal, 3Asst.Professor,
Arun College of Nursing, Vellore-01.

Corresponding Author: Prof. S. Rajathi


Background:In developing countries,diarrheal diseases remain one of the leading causes of preventable fatality especially among the children aged under-five years due to dehydration and delayed management of this disease. Most of the diarrheal episodes are treated in the home by primary health care providers of mothers.
Objectives: To evaluate the knowledge of the mothers of under five children about diarrhea & its management and to identify the relation of the knowledge with demographic variables.
Materials and Methods:Through the non randomized convenient sampling technique, one hundred thirty mothers who had at least one child of more than one year old were selected. The mothers were interviewed for the 40 items multiple choice questionnaires. The collected data were analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics.
Results:Out of 130 mothers, seventy three percent had inadequate knowledge , nineteen percent had moderate and remaining nine percent only had adequate knowledge in home care management of diarrhea and it’s prevention. The chi square value depicts that, mother’s age, occupation and number of the children had significant relationship with knowledge score at P < 0.05.
Conclusion:The results revealed that, majority (73%) of mothers had inadequate knowledge about management and prevention of diarrhea. The educational instructional and interventional programs must be a vital part in promote their knowledge in order to reduce mortalities and morbidities related to diarrhea.

Key words: Knowledge, Home care management, Diarrhea, Mothers and Under five children.

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