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Research Paper

Year: 2018 | Month: April | Volume: 5 | Issue: 4 | Pages: 47-55

The Urgency of Optimization of Financial Services Authority Supervision against Social Security Governing Body of Health


Graduate Student, Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia


Social Security Governing Body of Healthor BPJS is one of the agencies established by the government to provide health insurance to every Indonesian citizen. In implementation BPJS there are many problems such as patients BPJS get discrimination, there are some cases of rejection by some hospitals that harming the patients of BPJS. Financial Services Authority which is the body authorized to conduct supervision of BPJS needs to perform optimization of supervision. Based on this matter in this study discussed: How the authority of the Financial Services Authority in conducting supervision of the BPJS regarding juridical? What is the urgency of optimization the supervision of Financial Services Authority over BPJS? This research is normative juridical research by analyzing the sources of law, books, thesis and other sources related to this research. The results of this study are Financial Services Authority has the authority to exercise control over BPJS. This is by the substance contained in the OJK Regulation Number 5/POJK.05/2013. In this case, the OJK has a role to monitor either directly or indirectly. Also, OJK is also authorized to conduct a review of the protection of BPJS recipients to access health facilities. The second, urgency of optimization of Financial Services Authority supervision against BPJS is because there have been various cases of discrimination against the BPJS patients. This raises discontent and difficulty for the community to access health facilities. It is contrary to national and international law.

Key words: BPJS, Financial Services Authority, Patients.

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