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Research Paper

Year: 2018 | Month: May | Volume: 5 | Issue: 5 | Pages: 143-151

Human Resource Quality in East Java, Malang Regency Administrative Staff Working Performance Enhancement


Jaya Negara Malang Academy of Economics, Indonesia


This research purpose is to test the influence of human resource quality, commitment, and motivation towards administrative staff performance in Malang Regency Regional Secretariat, either simultaneously or partially. The research method use survey method with questionnaire as data gatherer instrument, meanwhile data analysis method uses multiple regression. This research results shows that the influence and positive influence between variable of human resource quality, commitment and motivation with employee performance. This research contributes to help achieving organization performance that create synergetic effect in directing employee’s behavior and motivation and improve trust towards organization. For next research development material, it can add discipline research, working environment, and commitment variable.

Key words: Commitment, motivation, human resource quality, Malang Regency Regional Secretariat

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