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Research Paper

Year: 2018 | Month: June | Volume: 5 | Issue: 6 | Pages: 111-113

Fanon’s National Culture in Nadine Gordimer’s none to Accompany Me

Ms. P. Brinda1, Dr. Benazir2

1Assistant Professor of English, PSGCAS, Coimbatore.
2Assistant Professor of English, Government Arts College, Coimbatore.

Corresponding Author: Ms. P. Brinda


This article’s main objective is to render Frantz Fanon theory of National Culture in the Nadine Gordimer’s novel ‘None to Accompany Me’ after the Apartheid. Gordimer, a South African Nobel Laureate brings out the transformation in her society after the post-apartheid. In Fanon’s “The Wretched of the Earth” a chapter entitled ‘On National Culture’ Fanon speaks about the cultural and moral changes of the nation and the responsibility of the writers. Gordimer’s ‘None to Accompany me’ conveys the culture change of the younger generation and the people. The cultural of the people is merged with the national consciousness. Gordimer brings the dynamic culture which has a vacillating relationship between the past and the present of Fanon.

Key words: National Culture, Nadine Gordimer’s novel, None to Accompany Me, Frantz Fanon theory, national consciousness.

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