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Research Paper

Year: 2018 | Month: August | Volume: 5 | Issue: 8 | Pages: 192-196

Effectiveness of Learner Centred Techniques in Teaching Computer Science to Low Achievers

Mrs. N. Nirmala Devi1, Dr. Sarala2

1Research Scholar, Mother Teresa Women’s University, Kodaikanal.
2Principal, Mother Teresa Women’s College of Education, Kodaikanal

Corresponding Author: Mrs. N. Nirmala Devi


The present experimental study was undertaken with two objectives in view (i) to apply learner centred techniques in teaching and learning of Computer Science at plus one level and (ii) to measure the effectiveness of learned centred techniques with special reference to low achievers. Two matched groups of students were constituted for the purpose of this experiment. Fifty low achievers were selected. Out of fifty students, two groups were formed following the systematic random sampling technique. They were placed in an order of merit. All the odd number students formed the control group while even number students constituted the experimental group. Each group consisted of twenty five low achievers. The control group was taught through the traditional lecture method while the experimental group learnt through the learner centred techniques. The obtained results show that the learner centred technique was more effective than the traditional lecture method in teaching and learning Computer Science at plus one level and it enabled the low achievers to cope with the high achievers to a considerable extent.

Key words: Learner Centred Techniques, Low achievers, Computer science.

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