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Review Article

Year: 2019 | Month: January | Volume: 6 | Issue: 1 | Pages: 67-72

Rehabilitation of Beggers in India - A Jural Analysis with Special Reference to Indian Constitution

Chayan Chakraborty,

LL.M (Vidyasagar University, West Bengal, India.)


Beggars of today have adopted beggary as a profession as it has changed its form in the modern period and the problem has become a colossal one. There are two faces of the mirror where on one side India is striving towards Social justice for all but in other side Beggary still prevails in mass. Beggars are not given any source to improve their condition. Government has made various laws, various schemes to uplift the life of these categories of people but most of them remain unfruitful. Article 21 of the Indian Constitution Provide “Right to Life” or in simple term it means no persons shall be deprived of his life, but people begging do not enjoy and benefit coming out of it. Social and economic conditions of these people and economic conditions of these people need to change and change only can be made if governments take serious action in this matter. Only when all portions of the society is treated equal given equal opportunities be it both stronger and weaker ones can the problem of beggary come to an end.

Key words: Society, social justice, anti-beggary laws, right to life, rehabilitation.

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