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Original Research Article

Year: 2019 | Month: February | Volume: 6 | Issue: 2 | Pages: 8-11

Morphometric Measurements of Lower End of Ulna – A Cross Sectional Study

Chetan. S. Biradi1, R. D. Virupaxi2, Shilpa M Bhimalli3

1Tutor, Department of Anatomy, KLE Academy of Higher Education and Research’s J.N. Medical College, Belagavi, Karnataka.
2Professor, Department of Anatomy, KLE Academy of Higher Education and Research’s J.N. Medical College, Belagavi, Karnataka.
3Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy, KLE Academy of Higher Education and Research’s J.N. Medical College, Belagavi,

Corresponding Author: Chetan. S. Biradi


Background: The anatomy of the distal end of ulna is important in reconstructive surgeries. The distal end has head, styloid process and fovea. Ulnar head has two parts such as pole and seat. A fracture of distal end of radius is related with severe form of fracture of ulna due to non-union of distal ulnar metaphysic that act like Baldwin’s operation which aims to create pseudo arthrosis in the lower end of ulna by extra periosteal resection of a segment of metaphysic of ulna.
Materials and Methods: This study was done on fully ossified 100 dry adult ulnae (50 right & 50 left) irrespective of age, sex & race. All the measurements were taken by using digital Vernier calliper.
Results: The average maximum width of pole on both sides was 4.13 mm. The average maximum height of seat on both sides was 3.86 mm. The average maximum width of fovea on both sides was 3.86 mm. The average maximum length of styloid process on both sides was 6.175 mm.
Conclusion: Clinically this study plays an important role for anatomists, forensic experts, orthopaedic surgeons, prosthetists for research, medico legal investigations, to construct suitable prostheses and operating patients with fractures at the lower end of ulna.

Key words: Lower end of ulna, pole, seat, fovea, styloid process

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