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Original Research Article

Year: 2019 | Month: February | Volume: 6 | Issue: 2 | Pages: 180-185

Short Term Results of Single Shot Epidural Steroid Injection in Patients with Lumbar Canal Stenosis

Dr Lakhwinder Singh1, Dr Ruturaj R Kakad2, Dr Dinesh Lalwani3, Vijay P More4

1Assistant Professor Department of Orthopedics, Dr Ulhas Patil Medical College Jalgaon Khurd
2Associate Professor Department of Anesthesiology, Dr Ulhas Patil Medical College Jalgaon Khurd
3Assistant Professor Department of Anesthesiology, Dr Ulhas Patil Medical College Jalgaon Khurd
4Assistant Professor Department of Community Medicine, Dr Ulhas Patil Medical College Jalgaon Khurd

Corresponding Author: Dr Ruturaj R Kakad


Background: Epidural steroid injections (ESI) are commonly performed procedures for the management of lumbosacral radicular pain in lumbar canal stenosis cases. Epidural steroid injections are associated with reduced invasion, and may delay or prevent the need for more intensive surgery.
Objectives: To study the pain relieving effect of epidural steroid in lumbar canal stenosis cases.
Materials and Methods: Patients ranging from 18-75 years those suffering from lumbar canal stenosis with pain and radiculopathy symptoms for more than 6 months not relieved by conservative treatment (medications and physiotherapy) were given epidural steroid and pain relief at 1 day, 1 month and 3 month using VAS pain score was measured.
Results: Study conducted on 25 patients of both sex and age between 18 yrs and 75 yrs within the period of 9 months and scoring was done using VAS score at the interval of 1 day, 1 month and 3 month at follow up. Data was tabulated and statistically analysed. Statistical analysis is done by comparing group using ANOVA test.
Results were statistically significant for given interval of duration and p value is < 0.05.
Conclusions: Our study showed that ESI are effective in decreasing pain in short term as measured by VAS scoring and the effect is more after 1 day of injection then 3 months , but the pain relieving effect is significant till the end of three months (indicated by p values).

Key words: epidural; steroid; injection; lumbar canal stenosis

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