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Research Paper

Year: 2019 | Month: February | Volume: 6 | Issue: 2 | Pages: 203-210

Application Optimizing the Placement of Safety Stocks Using the Max-Min Method for Printing Companies

Muhammad Wali1

1Lecturer, Information Management, AMIK Indonesia, Aceh, Indonesia.


Inventory management is an activity carried out by a company that is needed in making decisions so that the need for materials or goods for the needs of company activities both production and sales can be fulfilled optimally with the smallest possible risk. Over-inventory is a waste because it causes too high costs for storage and maintenance during storage in the warehouse. This study tries to build an inventory application by applying the Max-Min method as a basis for development. This research method is divided into three stages, namely the selection of system methods, database development, and implementation of solutions. The results of this study are inventory applications using the Max-Min method which emphasizes the results of controlling the stock to make it easier for company owners to make decisions. Inventory management system built with Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) and XAMPP as web servers using databases from MySQL, Sublime Text for application coding, and Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and CSS to create views and JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) to facilitate generating data. The results of this study succeeded in making the application to management to make the right and accurate decision to determine how many items were ordered to suppliers for stock replenishment, this application was able to analyze in advance the methods used so that more objective decisions would be obtained.

Key words: Application, Safety Stocks, Max-Min Method.

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