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Review Article

Year: 2019 | Month: April | Volume: 6 | Issue: 4 | Pages: 67-70

Review of Effect of Marica on Shitapitta

Dr. Mrs. Vedashri A. Kalavade1, Dr. Satish S.Chapadgaonkar2, Dr. Swarup P. Kulkarni3, Dr. Priyanka Hanmane4

1Associate Professor, 2Professor and H.O.D, Dept. of Rognidan Vikruti Vidnyan,
3Associate Professor and H.O.D. Dept. of Sharir Rachana, 4Assistant Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa,
Dr.J.J.Magadum Ayu. Medical College, Jaysingpur. Maharashtra, India

Corresponding Author: Dr. Mrs. Vedashri A. Kalavade


Shitapitta Udarda, Kotha are the types of skin disorders mentioned in Ayu.samhitas .These can be correlated with Urticaria in modern science. Actually these are three separate disorders to ayu .samhitas. Burning sensation & itching all over the body is cardinal symptom present in these disorders. Skin eruptions are also seen. Marica i..e. Piper nigrum is very much effective in Shitapitta Udarda Kotha. Marica i.e. BlackPepper is a plant of Piperaceae family. As mentioned in ayurved taste (rasa) of Maica is Katu (pungent) and .qualities of this are rooksha (dry), and potency is Hot (ushna). Post digestion effect (Vipaka) is katu (pungent Pipera nigrum i.e. Marica is abortifacient, anthelmintic. It is stimulant to the skin. All this qualities of Marica make it beneficial in skin disorder. According to modern pharmacology, Piper nigrum is stimulant carminative, antiasthmatic, stimulant to skin in property.

Key words: Shitapitta, Udarda, Kotha, Marica

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