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Original Research Article

Year: 2019 | Month: April | Volume: 6 | Issue: 4 | Pages: 12-21

A Comparative Study to Assess the Knowledge on Organ Donation among Indian and Foreign Students in a Selected Degree Colleges, Bengaluru

Jenifer Pando1, Radhika AB2

1Tutor, Department of Medical-Surgical Nursing, Assam Medical College and Hospital, Assam
2Assistant Professor, Department of Medical-Surgical Nursing, Smt. Nagarathnamma College of Nursing, Acharya Institute, Bengaluru
Affiliated with Rajiv Gandhi University of Health sciences, Bengaluru, India.

Corresponding Author: Jenifer Pando


Background: We all should give what we have decided in our hearts to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful Giver. The loss of one life could be the beginning of another. Organ donation is a gift that anyone can give and it has no cost and can be tremendously powerful. Organ donation is defined as the removal of tissues from the human body, from a living or dead person. Transplantation is an operation which involves the replacement of diseased and defective organs and tissues with healthy ones from donors.
Materials and Methods: The method used in the study was a Descriptive Research approach with Descriptive Comparative Research design, 120 samples of Indian (60) and Foreign (60) students were selected by using Probability sampling technique.
Results: The findings of the study revealed that out of 120 students the score of the total mean of knowledge of Indian and Foreign students on organ donation was 17.03(47.3%) and 14.93(41.5%). The study showed that Indian students were having more knowledge than Foreign students. The Chi square test was carried out and it was found to be significant at p<0.05 level. The study also showed that there is a significant relationship between the level of knowledge among Indian and Foreign students towards organ donation.
Conclusion: Clinically this study plays an important role in breaking down the barriers and increasing the donation rate by raising awareness about the need for organ and tissues donation among the peoples and providing educational services on organ donation for all medical, nursing, allied health staff that come into contact with the donation process.

Key words: Organ donation, Indian and Foreign students, Awareness, knowledge, Transplantation

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