International Journal of Research and Review

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Original Research Article

Year: 2023 | Month: June | Volume: 10 | Issue: 6 | Pages: 20-23

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijrr.20230604

Azygous Venous System - Anatomical Variation and Its Clinical Significance

Dr. Archana Narasipuram

Department of Anatomy, Apollo Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Hyderabad, India..


Introduction: Azygous venous system is the system of unpaired veins comprising of the azygous vein, the hemiazygous vein and accessory hemiazygous vein1. They are para vertebral in position, provided with valves and drain most of the blood from the thoracic and posterior abdominal walls. They communicate with the venacaval system infront and vertebral plexus behind. It connects the superior vena cava with the inferior vena cava. The azygous vein is inconstant in the mode of origin.
Aim: To explore the anatomical variations in the course of azygous system of veins.
Material and methods: The present study was done in the Department of Anatomy, Apollo institute of Medical sciences and Research, Hyderabad over a period of 2 years. The present study was conducted on 12 cadavers (irrespective of age and sex). The course of the azygos venous system in these 12 cadavers was carefully observed and documented.
Results: Anatomical variation was found in two cadavers.
Discussion: The azygous system of veins arises from a pair of longitudinal venous lines called right and left azygous venous lines on each side of the aorta1. On each side of the azygous venous lines lies two parallel primitive lines called right and left sub cardinal and posterior cardinal veins. It forms an important route for collateral circulation in venacaval occlusion such as in portal hypertension. It   serves as the main collateral channel to shunt the blood from the upper half of the body to the inferior venacaval in case of superior vena caval obstruction. 
Conclusion: Identification and understanding of these variations are important during preoperative radiological investigations and surgical procedures especially spinal surgery between T7 and T12 to avoid injury which may lead to postoperative haematomas

Keywords: Azygous venous system, azygous vein, venacaval system.

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