International Journal of Research and Review

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Year: 2024 | Month: November | Volume: 11 | Issue: 11 | Pages: 592-597

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijrr.20241160

Linear Algebra & Matrix in Mathematics: Understanding Importance

M. Krishna Reddy

Lecturer in Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, Government College for Men, Kurnool-518001


In linear algebra, we learn the basics of linear systems by studying matrices and vectors. A branch of mathematics known as linear algebra primarily studies vectors, vector spaces (sometimes called linear spaces), linear mappings (often called transformations), and systems of linear equations.
Since vector spaces are fundamental to contemporary mathematics, abstract algebra and functional analysis both make extensive use of linear algebra. Analytic geometry provides a tangible example of linear algebra, while operator theory provides a generalization of the theory. It finds widespread use in the social and natural sciences due to the fact that linear models may often be used to approximate nonlinear ones

Keywords: Linear Equation, Linear Spaces, n-Tuples, Matrix, and Linear Algebra.

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