Year: 2024 | Month: December | Volume: 11 | Issue: 12 | Pages: 101-110
Meta Analysis: The Effect of Inquiry Learning Model on Students' Mathematics Learning Outcomes
Laili Rahma Irdani1, Suryo Widodo2, Yuni Katminingsih3
1Student of Mathematics Education Study Program, 2,3Lecturer of Mathematics Education Study Program, PGRI University of Kediri, Indonesia.
Corresponding Author: Suryo Widodo
This study aims to determine whether or not there is an effect of the inquiry learning model on students' mathematics learning outcomes. In this study there are 10 articles that will be analyzed from 2017-2024. This research is designed with a review study design that uses meta-analysis techniques. By looking for the effect size of several articles in the journal. Effect size provides information related to the strength and size of the effect of each study contained in this study. The keywords in this meta-analysis study are the effect of the inquiry learning model on student math learning outcomes. There are three levels of education, namely elementary school, junior high school / MTs, and senior high school / MA / SMK. The method used in this research is meta-analysis with a quantitative approach using Openmee data processing software. Based on the meta-analysis calculation, there is a relationship between all articles. Proven by the p-value 0,001 which means the analysis is significant with sig. 0.05 and the value of I2 above 75%. With a heterogeneity of 75.518, which means it is quite high. The inquiry learning model is effectively applied at the junior high school / MTs level, because it has an effect size of 1.126. Second, it is effective at the elementary level with a value of 0.921 and third, it is effective at the high school level with an effect size of 0.631.
Keywords: Inquiry learning model, Math learning outcomes, and Meta analysis.
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