International Journal of Research and Review

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Year: 2024 | Month: December | Volume: 11 | Issue: 12 | Pages: 293-297

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijrr.20241231

Working Performance of Synchronous Generators and Grid Photovoltaic in Microgrid

Fredi Prastiyo1, Mochammad Facta1, Ngurah Ayu Ketut Umiati2

1Department of Electrical Engineering Faculty of Engineering, 2Department of Physics, Faculty of Science and Mathematics,
Diponegoro University, Semarang Indonesia.

Corresponding Author: Ngurah Ayu Ketut Umiati


This work aims to analyse the working performance of the synchronous generator micro generation system, especially the rotor angle aspect with the comparison of inverter grid photovoltaic feeding in microgrid system. Micro synchronous generators and photovoltaic grid inverters are renewable energy sources that are increasingly popular in integration into the power grid. Experimental methods are used to measure and analyse electrical power proportion parameters such as active power, apparent power, and reactive power in synchronous microgenerators and photovoltaic grid inverters. Tests are performed in various linear load scenarios to evaluate how these two systems behave under different conditions. The results of this study provide a deeper understanding of the effect of synchronous mini generator feeding and photovoltaic grid inverter on the rotor angle that occurs. Analysis of the interaction between these two systems also provides insight into how the combination can affect the overall quality of electrical power. The findings of this research are expected to contribute to the development of renewable generation systems that are more reliable and efficient in maintaining the quality of electrical power.

Keywords: Synchronous Micro Generator, Photovoltaic, Grid Inverter, Microgrid

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