Year: 2024 | Month: December | Volume: 11 | Issue: 12 | Pages: 611-624
Contact Investigation and Preventive Therapy of Tuberculosis in Children Under Five in Jambi City
Rahayu1, Yuniar Lestari2, Finny Fitry Yani3
1Master of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Andalas University, Indonesia.
2Master of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of Andalas
3Section of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Andalas, Indonesia.
Corresponding Author: Rahayu
Tuberculosis Prevention Therapy (TPT) is recommended to prevent transmission of TB to children under five who have household contact or close contact with TB patients. Contact investigations are carried out as an entry point for administering TPT to contact children under five. Based on the initial survey, the scope of contact investigations and provision of TPT to children under five has not reached the target. Research was carried out in Jambi City in 2023 to explore the implementation of contact investigations and providing TPT to children under five by looking at the input components including facilities and methods. Qualitative research methods were used in this study with 20 informants from the Health Service and Community Health Center in Jambi City, Penabulu-STPI Community, and parents who had children under five in contact with TB patients. The results of the qualitative analysis on input components: there are no supporting policies, there is still a lack of human resources for contact investigations, there is a lack of capacity of health workers in procedures for administering TPT, the availability of tuberculin and TPT drugs is still lacking, unavailability of child-friendly TPT medication, and there is a lack of standard operational procedures and guidelines.
Keywords: Contact Investigation, Tuberculosis Prevention Therapy, Toddlers, Policy Implementation
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