International Journal of Research and Review

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Year: 2024 | Month: December | Volume: 11 | Issue: 12 | Pages: 643-647

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijrr.20241269

Triple Elimination Education on the Knowledge of Prospective Brides

Desu Inayati1, Septika Yani Veronica2, Beniqna Maharani Besmaya3, Dian Arif Wahyudi4

1Midwife Study Program, 2Faculty of Health,
University Of Aisyah Pringsewu, Lampung, Indonesia.

Corresponding Author: Desi Inayati


Triple Elimination Program is a government initiative aimed at preventing the transmission of HIV/AIDS, syphilis, and hepatitis B from mother to child. This program is crucial as part of maternal and child health efforts. Despite policies supporting this program, awareness among prospective brides about the importance of premarital health examinations remains low. This study aims to assess the impact of Triple Elimination education on the knowledge of prospective brides at Pringsewu Public Health Center regarding the prevention of these diseases. Using a quantitative approach and a pre-experimental design, the study involved 23 prospective brides as respondents. Data was gathered through pre- and post-education questionnaires, with the education delivered via a video lasting 7 minutes and 27 seconds. Statistical analysis using SPSS revealed a significant improvement in the knowledge of the participants. Before the education session, the average knowledge score was 62, which increased to 84 after the session, with a p-value of 0.000, indicating a statistically significant impact. The findings demonstrate that Triple Elimination education significantly enhances awareness of the importance of premarital health checks. The study recommends that this educational initiative be expanded and that diverse methods be employed to further boost knowledge and participation in such health checks before marriage.

Keywords: Triple Elimination, Bride-to-be, Education, Knowledge

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