Year: 2024 | Month: December | Volume: 11 | Issue: 12 | Pages: 684-693
Meta Analysis: The Effect of Problem Based Learning (PBL) Model on Student Mathematics Learning Outcomes
Amelia Putri Wahyuni1, Yuni Katminingsih2, Suryo Widodo3
1Student of Mathematics Education Study Program, 2,3Lecturer of Mathematics Education Study Program,
PGRI University of Kediri, Indonesia.
Corresponding Author: Amelia Putri Wahyuni
This study aims to determine whether or not there is an effect of the problem-based learning model on students' mathematics learning outcomes and the difference in the amount of influence based on level. Due to the variety of research results on this topic, a meta-analysis research was conducted to evaluate as a whole. This research analyzed 14 data studies consisting of articles and theses at the junior high school and high school levels, with the help of Ms Exel and JASP software. The results of this study indicate that the problem-based learning model has an effect on students' mathematics learning outcomes, as evidenced by the p-value <0.001 with a significant level of 0.05. In addition, the combined effect size value is 1.46 which means the impact is very large based on Cohen's scale. Meanwhile, when viewed from the perspective of the level of education, there is a big difference in the effect between junior high school and senior high school. With an average effect size value of junior high school of 1.194 while high school is 2.008. If the two are compared, the effect is greater at the senior high school level than junior high school. Therefore, based on this research, the problem-based learning model is considered an effective learning model to improve students' mathematics learning outcomes compared to conventional learning models.
Keywords: problem-based learning model, math learning outcomes, and meta-analysis.
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