Year: 2024 | Month: April | Volume: 11 | Issue: 4 | Pages: 455-461
Local Wisdom of Batu Sawan During the Hahomion Ceremony
Romulus Butarbutar1, Flansius Tampubolon2, Asni Barus3
1,2,3University of Sumatera
Corresponding Author: Romulus Butarbutar
This research aims to describe the steps of the Hahomion ceremony in Batu sawan, including its functions and the local wisdom values it embodies. The theory used to analyze the data is Robert Sibarani's local wisdom theory. The research method is qualitative descriptive. In this research, two stages were found: 1) Preparation of the Hahomion Ceremony in Batu sawan and 2) Main Event of the Hahomion Ceremony in Batu sawan. The preparation stages include: 1) formation of the ceremony committee, 2) determination of the ceremony date, and 3) preparation of the equipment. The main event stages are: 1) Mandok Marsiture Hutana, 2) Manortor, and 3) Martua omaoma. The functions of the ceremony include: 1) Spiritual Function and 2) Social Function. In addition, the values found in the ceremony are: 1) cultural preservation and creativity; 2) cooperation; 3) hard work; 4) concern for the environment; 5) gender management; 6) discipline; 7) gratitude; 8) commitment; 9) patience; 10) conflict resolution; 11) positive thinking; 12) social solidarity; 13) honesty.
Keywords: Hahomion Ceremony, Batu sawan, Local Wisdom
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