International Journal of Research and Review

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Year: 2024 | Month: May | Volume: 11 | Issue: 5 | Pages: 600-606

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijrr.20240567

The Analysis of Utilization of Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) Clinics by Men Who Have Sex with Men Living with HIV/AIDS

Adius Kusnan1, Sartiah DP2, Rachmawati. A3

1Nursing Department, Medicine Faculty of Halu Oleo University, Kendari, Indonesia
2,3Public Health Faculty of Halu Oleo University, Kendari, Indonesia

Corresponding Author: Sartiah DP


Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM) are a high-risk group for HIV/AIDS transmission due to their tendency to have multiple partners and engage in anal sex. This study aims to determine the factors influencing the utilization of VCT clinics by MSM living with HIV/AIDS in the VCT clinic at Kendari City General Hospital. This research method is quantitative with an analytical cross-sectional design, conducted in March 2024 at the VCT Clinic of Kendari City General Hospital with a population of 428 MSM who visited the VCT clinic until March. Sampling was done using simple random sampling. The data obtained were processed using SPSS software by conducting chi-square tests, then presented in tabular form accompanied by narration. The research results showed that 74.4% utilized the VCT Clinic well, while 25.6% underutilized the VCT clinic. Based on bivariate analysis, it was found that there is an influence between knowledge (p = 0.000), peer support (p = 0.004) on the utilization of VCT clinics. The researchers suggest that local authorities conduct socialization and disseminate information about HIV/AIDS and VCT clinics through mass media, print, electronic media, optimize mobile VCT, and develop comfortable VCT clinic facilities

Keywords: Knowledge, Attitude, Behavior, Family Support, Peer Support, VCT, Men Who Have Sex with Men

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