International Journal of Research and Review

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Year: 2024 | Month: June | Volume: 11 | Issue: 6 | Pages: 354-358

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijrr.20240642

Cross Sectional Study of Prevalence and Determinant of Karrappan (Eczema) in Patients of GSMCH, Palayamkottai – A Siddha View

Dr. K. Muthu Mari1, Dr. T. S. Shamili2, Dr. S. Sulfin Nihar3, Dr. M. P. Abdul Kader Jeylani4

1 PG Scholar, Department of Nanju Maruthuvam, Government Siddha Medical College, Palayamkottai
2PG Scholar, Department of Nanju Maruthuvam, Government Siddha Medical College, Palayamkottai
3Professor, Department of Nanju Maruthuvam, Government Siddha Medical College, Palayamkottai
4HOD & Professor, Department of Nanju Maruthuvam, Government Siddha Medical College, Palayamkottai

Corresponding Author: Dr. K. Muthu Mari


The Siddha system of   medicine is a traditional medical system that has scientific and holistic approach to provide, preventive, promotive, curative, rejuvenating and rehabilitative health care. In Today's world there is more to getting that flawless beautiful skin that justify inheriting great genes. Karappan (Eczema) is the most common skin diseases affecting all age groups. According to National Eczema Association,10 percent of the population will develop during their lifetime. Karappan (Eczema) is a skin condition in which the skin becomes inflamed or irritant symptoms like itching, oozing, scaling and crusting. According to YUGI MUNI'S classification karappan (Eczema) has been classified into 7 types. The predisposing factors of karappan are termed as karappan pandangal which includes kambu, Thinai, kelvarughu, solam, karuvadu, pagarkai etc. Association between dietary pattern and diseases is necessary one among   the health professionals. In this study prevalence and determinants of karappan (Eczema) according to siddha system of medicine among patients attending OPD GSMCH, Palayamkottai are recorded.

Keywords: Siddha, Karappan (Eczema), Yugi Muni

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