International Journal of Research and Review

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Year: 2024 | Month: June | Volume: 11 | Issue: 6 | Pages: 393-402

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijrr.20240647

Customer Citizenship Behaviour: A Multi-Perspective Analysis

Sri Nitta Crissiana Wirya Atmaja1, Mohamad Rizan2, Karuniana Dianta A. Sebayang3, Setyo Ferry Wibowo4

1Faculty Economics and Business, Pamulang University, Indonesia
2,3,4Doctorate Program of Management, State University of Jakarta, Indonesia

Corresponding Author: Sri Nitta Crissiana Wirya Atmaja


Customer Citizenship Behavior (CCB) has emerged as a pivotal topic in marketing and service management, encompassing various voluntary and positive customer actions that significantly impact organizational performance and sustainability. Understanding CCB from multiple perspectives is crucial for gaining a comprehensive view of how these behaviors can be managed and leveraged. This study explores the importance of CCB from different angles. Firstly, CCB enhances employee creativity and productivity by motivating and encouraging innovation through constructive feedback and support from customers (Gong & Yi, 2021; Minh-Duc & Huu-Lam, 2019). Secondly, CCB optimizes organizational service functions by promoting effective operations through customer involvement (Lakmali & Kajendra, 2021). Thirdly, CCB strengthens loyalty and reputation during crises, as seen during the COVID-19 pandemic, where supportive customer actions helped businesses like fast-food restaurants maintain their reputation and customer loyalty (Akgunduz et al., 2023; Ting et al., 2021). Lastly, in the e-commerce context, CCB fosters strong consumer-brand relationships through positive reviews, recommendations, and support within the consumer community (Salem, 2023). A multi-perspective approach to CCB is essential due to the complex and multifaceted nature of consumer behavior, enabling organizations to develop holistic and flexible strategies for encouraging positive customer actions across various situations. This comprehensive understanding of CCB also aids in the development of robust and applicable theories, accurate measurement, and effective interventions, ultimately supporting long-term business performance and sustainability.

Keywords: Customer Citizenship Behavior (CCB), Customer Loyalty

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