International Journal of Research and Review

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Year: 2024 | Month: June | Volume: 11 | Issue: 6 | Pages: 584-590

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijrr.20240664

Efficacy of Passiflora Incarnata Mother Tincture in Treatment of Insomnia

Dr Chandra Sekhar. P1, Dr Akula Naveen2

1MD (Hom), Associate professor Department of Materia Medica, 2PG Scholar, Department of Materia Medica,
MNR Homoeopathic Medical college and Hospital, KNR University of Health Sciences, Sangareddy, Telangana, India.

Corresponding Author: Dr Chandra Sekhar. P


Insomnia is one of the most common sleep disorder with a prevalence rate of 20-30% worldwide. Insomnia is a condition of unsatisfactory quality and/or quantity of sleep, with difficulty falling asleep, remaining asleep, or waking early and being unable to return to sleep.  Factors like stressful life events, changes in work shifts, night watching, smoking, alcohol drinking and other mental disorders are the common predisposing factors which are leading to sleeplessness commonly in youngsters and middle-aged people. As use of sedatives may lead to dependency, impaired memory etc., so the Homoeopathy has a good scope in sleep disorders with minimal effects. Passiflora Incarnata is one of the frequently used remedy in Homoeopathy for insomnia. Its use in sleep disorders have been dated back to ancient periods. From ancient times in India, Africa, Europe, Turkey, America, Brazil, Iraq, Poland etc. it was used as traditional medicine for inducing sleep i.e., as a hypnotic. It is indicated for sleeplessness arising from exhaustion, over work, mental worries. As the above mentioned factors are frequent causes for sleeplessness now a day, Passiflora incarnate has been selected as medicinal intervention. This study aims at establishing the effectiveness of Passiflora Incarnata mother tincture in treating insomnia. This research is an experimental research having no control group with a sample size of 20 between the age group of 25-50 years. Those participants in the study sample who were meeting the criteria according to Athens Insomnia Scale (AIS) were diagnosed as insomniac. A cut-off score of greater than or equal to 6 on the AIS is used to establish the diagnosis of insomnia. The same scale (AIS) was used to assess the results after taking the medicinal intervention. The results showed that the Passiflora Incarnata mother tincture medicine is effective in treating insomnia.

Keywords: Athens Insomnia Scale, Insomnia, Passiflora Incarnata mother tincture.

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