International Journal of Research and Review

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Year: 2024 | Month: June | Volume: 11 | Issue: 6 | Pages: 648-660

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijrr.20240672

The Effectiveness of Task-Based Language Teaching Instructions Using Microsoft Teams in Writing Recount Text at SMAN 1 Beber

Oktaviani Wiji Prihastuti1, Rudi Hartono2, Fahrur Rozi3

1,2,3 English Language Education, Master Program of Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia

Corresponding Author: Oktaviani Wiji Prihastuti


This study used an effective strategy to help students in improving their writing skills. The strategy was Task based language teaching using Microsoft team that will make students more flexible for learning process. Besides, this study aimed to explain the planning, the practice, the result of the students’ assessment, and the effectiveness of task-based language teaching using Microsoft Team in teaching writing recount text at SMAN 1 Beber. 
The researcher used a sequential explanatory mixed-method that displays a descriptive analysis of quantitative data and an in-depth understanding through qualitative data. It was modified from the perception theory of Creswell (2014), the instrument used in qualitative and quantitative were observation, interview, questionnaire and test that support the quantitative data. The study subjects were X grade students of SMAN 1 Beber, which consisted of 144 students.
The result of the test showed that the students this strategy was effective to improve students' writing skills. In this case, the researcher planed in implementing TBLT strategy were: chosen the familiar topic, explained the task phase and gives clear instruction, then ask them to prepare themselves to do oral presentation in front of the class. Besides, researcher implemented TBLT with some activities and roles. There were Plan a trip, Problem- solving, and Text Making. After learning process by implementing TBLT using Microsoft teams the students can follow and improve their results in writing skills. In which from 144 students, 84 students (59%) in low category, 46 students (32%) in medium category and 14 students (9%) in high category. Furthermore, the use of TBLT and Microsoft Team are very useful for teachers and students in teaching- learning process. It can be seen from the students’ writing test. The percentages are from 144 students, 18 students (13%) in low category, 121 students (84%) in medium category and 5 students (3%) in high category.

Keywords: Microsoft Team, TBLT, Recount Text.

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