International Journal of Research and Review

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Year: 2024 | Month: June | Volume: 11 | Issue: 6 | Pages: 818-827

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijrr.20240688

Gouty Arthritis and Its Appraisal in Greco-Arab (Unani) Medicine

Asma Afzal1, Shameem Ahmad Rather2, Shabir Ahmad Bhat3

1,3Medical Officer, AYUSH, Health and Medical Education Jammu and Kashmir
2Professor, Regional Research Institute of Unani Medicine, Jammu and Kashmir

Corresponding Author: Shabir Ahmad Bhat


A typical excruciating type of inflammatory arthritis, Gout, often affects big toe joint and sometimes other joints and viscera as well. In Greco-Arab (Unani) medicine gout is known as Niqris. There is ample literature regarding gouty arthritis available in the treatise of Greco-Arab medicine, an age old existing medicinal system. The aim of this study is to explore the medicinal treasure for gout in Greco-Arab medicine, correlate it with the modern science to amplify the knowledge and widen the field of research avenues. More efficient, cost-effective management of gouty arthritis with least side effects could be achieved with these medicines.

Keywords: Arthritis, Gout, Niqris, Unani

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