International Journal of Research and Review

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Year: 2024 | Month: July | Volume: 11 | Issue: 7 | Pages: 378-387

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijrr.20240739

E-Book Text Description Assisted by Artificial Intelligence (AI) Contains Pancasila Student Profile Dimensions of Global Diversity

Sitti Nurfadhilah Basir1, Rahayu Pristiwati2, Wagiran3

1,2,3Indonesian Language Education, Faculty of Language and Arts, Semarang State University, UNNES Sekaran Gunungpati Semarang 50229 Jawa Tengah, Indonesia

Corresponding Author: Sitti Nurfadhilah Basir


This research focuses on the development of an e-book of description text assisted by artificial intelligence for Indonesian language learning. This research will explore the use of e-books in the context of learning descriptive texts, with the content of Pancasila student profiles and global diversity. This study uses a Research and Development (R&D) research design. The use of R&D research design is because the researcher will develop an e-book of descriptive text assisted by Artificial Intelligence (AI). The results of the research presented in this chapter include 4 things including; (1) the need for an e-book of artificial intelligence (AI) assisted description text containing Pancasila student profiles in the global dimension of diversity, (2) a prototype of an e-book of artificial intelligence (AI) assisted description text containing a profile of Pancasila students in the global dimension of diversity, (3) validation of an e-book of artificial intelligence (AI) assisted description text containing a profile of Pancasila students in the global dimension of diversity, (4) the effectiveness of an e-book of artificial intelligence (AI) assisted description text  Contains the Pancasila Student Profile of the Global Diversity Dimension. recommendations in the form of suggestions to several parties, including for other researchers can continue to develop e-books of description texts assisted by artificial intelligence (AI) with the content of Pancasila student profiles in the dimension of global diversity. Expanded research and development can improve the quality and benefits of the e-book. Surprise research in the development of descriptive text e-books with more advanced and innovative AI technology to improve the quality of learning. Further research on the effectiveness of e-books in a broader learning context and diversifying students to gain a deeper understanding.

Keywords: e-book, description text, artificial intelligence, pancasila student profile, global diversity

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