International Journal of Research and Review

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Year: 2024 | Month: September | Volume: 11 | Issue: 9 | Pages: 19-34

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijrr.20240903

Study of the Behaviour of a Pile Under Axial Load by Comparative Analysis of Different Models of the t-z and q-z Load Transfer Curve Method

Cheikh Ibrahima Tine1, Oustasse Abdoulaye Sall1, Déthié SARR2

1Department of Civil Engineering, UFR SI-Université Iba Der THIAM de Thiès, Thiès, Senegal
2Department of Geotechnics, UFR SI-University of Thiès, Thiès, Senegal

Corresponding Author: Cheikh Ibrahima Tine


This article deals with the determination of axial deformations and axial forces, taking into account the complex interaction between the pile and the surrounding soil. The load transfer curve method, which offers an analytical approach to calculating deformations and axial forces along the pile, is the one used in this study. This method relies on the progressive mobilization of lateral friction and tip pressure, modeled by t-z (lateral friction) and q-z (tip pressure) curves, to simulate soil-pile interactions. Several behavioral models based on this method are examined, including linear, trilinear, hyperbolic and exponential laws. Each of these models is analyzed for its ability to predict pile settlement and axial forces, as a function of specific soil and pile characteristics. Frank and Zhao's model, based on the results of the pressuremeter test, proved particularly effective. The results highlight the effectiveness of the load transfer curve method, and underline the importance of choosing the right behavior model for better settlement prediction and design of these foundations.

Keywords: Pile behavior, Axial loads, Settlement, Soil-pile interaction, Load transfer curve method, Lateral friction, Peak pressure.

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