International Journal of Research and Review

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Year: 2024 | Month: September | Volume: 11 | Issue: 9 | Pages: 50-65

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijrr.20240906

The Impact of AI-Driven Predictive Analytics on Employee Retention Strategies

Sunil Basnet

Chief Human resource Officer (iCHRO), Virtuosway, Kathmandu, Nepal


This study examines the impact of AI-driven predictive analytics on employee retention strategies in Human Resource Management (HRM). By integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), organizations can forecast employee turnover, personalize career development, and create targeted interventions for at-risk employees. This study outlines the current applications, benefits, and challenges of AI in HRM and explains how predictive analytics can identify patterns in employee behavior to predict turnover risks. Through case studies, this paper highlights successful implementations of AI-driven retention strategies and specific tools. It also addresses ethical and privacy concerns, emphasizing transparency and fairness. Future trends and the long-term benefits of AI in HRM, such as improved employee satisfaction and reduced turnover costs, are discussed. This paper explores future trends and prospects by, considering the evolving role of AI in strategic HR planning and potential technological advancements. The long-term benefits for organizations adopting these technologies include improved employee satisfaction, reduced turnover costs, and a more engaged and stable workforce. This research underscores the critical relevance of employee retention, the innovative potential of AI and ML in HRM, and the significant impact these technologies have on organizational success.

Keywords: AI in HRM, Predictive Analytics, Employee Retention, Machine Learning, Proactive Retention Strategies, Ethical Considerations, Future Trends.

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