International Journal of Research and Review

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Year: 2024 | Month: September | Volume: 11 | Issue: 9 | Pages: 152-158

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijrr.20240917

Design Get up System Surface Height Setting Fluid Use Control Adaptive Type Self Tuning Regulator

Iksal1, Ishak Abdul Rojak2, Dede Mukhsin Al Hamdani3, Ikbal Nurfalah4, Irdi Pratama Putra5, Dicky Wanhar6

1,2,3,4,5,6Uninus, Bandung, Indonesia

Corresponding Author: Iksal


A system is adaptive in a way general means is capable of system changes in an environment that doesn't predict, which arises in the system or outside the system. In planning use control, aside have to adapt to changing environments, too capable adapting error or uncertainty design techniques that are not always thorough, and capable of compensating for error components to be more system stable, so the reliability system will increase. Generally, system dynamic (active and moving) has no parameters of course it's a constant or parameter not of course that has changed over time. For arranging system dynamics more appropriate If used control adaptive. At the moment Already Enough Lots type system arrangement adaptive is or chosen by existing plants. Every type of arrangement adaptive has a method certain in the finish problem settings used. A type of arrangement adaptive Possible will by certain plants that are regulated, but not necessarily will in accordance for arrange other plants. For That need exists suitability between type arrangement adaptive used with regulated plants. In research this is designed system arrangement of tall surface liquid with interaction use arrangement adaptive type Self Tuning Regulator (STR). Research result This shows that convergency estimation of control parameters with the use method square smallest recursive (recursive least square) occurs in the 2nd sampling period ten and so on (bigger or the same with ten) and happens oscillations on each beginning sampling (T<10 Seconds). This shows that parameter estimates yet produce previous parameter values. From the results curve transient (Figure 3 to 6) be seen that the output of the adaptive system is very close to the desired system output. A real difference seen at the start caused iteration Because the estimation of system parameters not yet get close results with actual system parameters. However, after iteration certain systems adaptive This can produce output that is very close to the desired system output.

Keywords: Control Adaptive, Self-Tuning Regulator, Plant, Parameters

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