International Journal of Research and Review

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Year: 2024 | Month: September | Volume: 11 | Issue: 9 | Pages: 355-359

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijrr.20240937

Development of Quartet Media to Increase Interest and Learning Outcomes in the Scope of Superior Product Material in Tegal City in Grade V Students of Panggung 7 Elementary School

Yoswanto1, Kartono2, Ajat Sudrajat3

1,2,3Department of Primary Education, Postgraduate Program, Open University, Semarang, Indonesia.

Corresponding Author: Yoswanto


As a teacher's effort to clarify and facilitate the transfer of knowledge to students, one of them is preparing media that is in accordance with the material to be taught in the classroom. The lack of learning media in IPAS subjects causes students to tend to be silent and not enthusiastic about participating in the learning process. These conditions can affect student interest and learning towards the quality of learning if no innovation is made in the learning process. From the observation of student activities at Panggung 7 State Elementary School in Tegal City during the break time. Many students played quartet cards of movie characters and toy car figures that were trending among children. They easily memorize the characters and figures displayed on the quartet cards, besides that students look more enthusiastic when playing using the quartet cards.
The subjects of this research were fifth grade students of Panggung 7 elementary schools in Tegal City. The purpose of this study was to analyze the validity, practicality and effectiveness of the development of quartet media related to increasing interest and learning outcomes of IPAS subjects in the scope of Tegal City Featured Products material in fifth grade elementary school students. The research method used is Research and Development (R&D) with the type of research being 4D from Thiagarajan and the form of research design Pretest-Posttest Control Group. The validity and practicality of the media were measured using a Likert scale from 1 to 4, while the media effectiveness test used the Independent Sample T Test on the SPSS version 26 program.
The results showed: 1) The development of quartet card media to increase the interest and learning outcomes of IPAS subjects in the scope of Tegal City Featured Products material in fifth grade students of Panggung 7 State Elementary School according to validators has valid criteria, so that the development of quartet card media is said to be valid; 2) based on the results of the analysis of the teacher's ability to implement learning and student responses are on very good and good criteria, so that the development of quartet media is practical; 3) There is a positive influence between interest in student learning outcomes, so that the development of quartet media is effective.

Keywords: media development, quartets, learning interest, learning outcomes.

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