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Review Article

Year: 2015 | Month: November | Volume: 2 | Issue: 11 | Pages: 697-702

Niche Marketing Strategy and Firm Success: Review on SMEs in Peninsular Malaysia

Fazal Akbar, Abdul Razak Bin Omar, Fazli Wadood

Faculty of Technology Management and Business, University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 86400, Johor.

Corresponding Author: Fazal Akbar


This paper aim to explore that niche marketing strategy are beneficial for smaller firms, as they dont have much resources for advertisement. The companies that have adopted niche marketing starategy are enjoying big market share. Globalization forces companies to do search for something new and unique which differentiate them from their competators. As normal in presence, that company stay long in the market whose have knowledge of customers and also offering a unique product. Most important the niches strategy is the knowledge of customers that drives the niche starategy, by understanding and serving the needs of niche market better than any other firms, and awareness of the customers help to safegaurd the customers loyalty.

Keywords: Niche Marketing Strategy, market share, uniqueness, knowledge, customers.

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