Original Research Article
Year: 2015 | Month: May | Volume: 2 | Issue: 5 | Pages: 198-204
Influence Of Combined Effect Of Sowing Time And Fertilizers Management On Growth And Yield Of Gimakalmi <em>(Ipomoea Reptans Poir)
Md. Hasanuzzaman Akand1*, H. E. M. Khairul Mazed2*, Md. Ashraful Islam Pulok2**, Md. Shah Newaz Chowdhury2**, Farzana Hoque2***
1Professor, 2MS Student,
*Department of Horticulture, **Seed Technology Discipline, ***Department of Agricultural Botany,
Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh.
Corresponding Author: Md. Ashraful Islam Pulok
The study was conducted in the horticulture of Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka, Bangladesh during the period from March to June 2013 to find out the effect of sowing time and fertilizer management on the growth and yield of Gimakalmi. The experiment consisted of two factors. Factor A: Three levels of sowing time, such as S1: Sowing on 16 March, S2: Sowing on 30 March and S3: Sowing on 15 April; Factor B: Four levels of fertilizer, such as F0: No fertilizer, F1: Cowdung: 15 t/ha, F2: Poultry litter: 7 t/ha and F3: Inorganic fertilizer (Urea: 200 kg/ha + TSP: 100 kg/ha + MP: 200 kg/ha). The longest (30.77 cm) plant was recorded from S2F3, while the shortest (17.30 cm) plant was recorded from S2F0 at 75 DAS during 4th harvest. The highest (84.89 g) fresh weight of leaves per plant was recorded from S2F3, while the lowest (59.83 g) fresh weight of leaves per plant was found from S2F0 at 75 DAS during the 4th harvest. The highest (11.88%) dry matter content of leaves was recorded from S2F3, while the lowest (6.65%) dry matter content of leaves was recorded from S2F0 at 75 DAS during the 4th harvest. The highest (18.28 t/ha) yield was recorded from S2F3, while the lowest (12.67 t/ha) yield was obtained from S1F0 at 75 DAS during the 4th harvest.
Key Words: Gimakolmi, sowing time, fertilizer management, growth and yield.