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Original Research Article

Year: 2015 | Month: July | Volume: 2 | Issue: 7 | Pages: 391-397

Evaluation of Management Practices for Suppressing the Major Insect Pests and Growth and Yield of Soybean

Ayesha Akter1*, Md. Nafijul Haque2*, Mst. Munjuri Akter3*, Mohammad Jasim Uddin2**, Md. Abu Hasnat4#

1Assistant Professor, 2MS Student, 3Lecturer, 4Section Officer,
*Department of Entomology, **Department of Horticulture, #Security Wing,
Sher-E-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka.

Corresponding Author: Ayesha Akter


The experiment was conducted at the experimental Field of Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka during the Kharif season from April, 2012 to August, 2012 to study the evaluation of some management practices for suppressing the insect pests and growth and yield of soybean. The experiment comprised with six different insecticides and one botanicals including untreated control viz. T1-Neem oil @ 3ml/L water, T2-Ripcord 10EC @ 2ml/L water, T3-Aktara 25 WG @ 0.3 mg/L water, T4-Sumialfa 5EC @ 2ml/L water, T5-Marshal 20EC@ 2ml/L water, T6-Control treatment were used as treatments. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) single factor with three replications. The maximum numbers of leaves, number of branch, maximum leaf length, number of flower, minimum number of infected pod, maximum number of healthy pod per plant, were found from the treatment Sumialfa 5EC @ 2ml/L of water. Similar treatment also produced the yield plot-1 (3.29 kg) and yield per hectare (3.65 t/ha) of soybean. Those results indicate that the Sumialfa 5EC @ 2ml/L of water showed the best performance on growth and yield among the all applied insecticide in this study.

Key Words: Soybean, insect pest, management practices, growth and yield.

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