Revie Article
Year: 2015 | Month: July | Volume: 2 | Issue: 7 | Pages: 461-464
A Million Dollar Hope for the Practical People: Defence Mechanism and T.S Eliot's Pessimism
Malay Saha
Research Scholar, Dept. of English, Tilka Manjhi Bhagalpur University, Raghunathganj, Murshidabad, India.
Most of Eliot's readers look upon his protagonists as somewhat lost in the mire of materialism and sexual passion, swinging in between decision and indecision and groping in utter hopelessness. The belief is so firm that they look upon Eliot as a pessimistic poet and his protagonists as 'hollowmen'- spectres, invalid people or people cut off from the spring of life. Apparently, those characters being lifeless and inactive invent various psychological methods of 'projections' and 'defence mechanisms' to face the tribulations of life. But what we fail to take into account is the fact that those 'projections' and 'defence mechanisms' are kinds of reality checks that are practical and pragmatic and does not merely reveal the pessimistic mind-set of the people.
Key Words: Psychological, projections, defence mechanisms, pessimism, hope.