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Review Article

Year: 2015 | Month: August | Volume: 2 | Issue: 8 | Pages: 504-507

Born Into an Unaccustomed Earth: Home, Nationality and Identity Crisis in Partition and Diasporic Literature

Malay Saha

Research Scholar, Dept. of Englush, Tilka Majhi Bhagalpur University.


In the jet-propelled modern world of today, the concepts of home, nationality and identity has suffered a set back. The concepts of multi-ethnic, multi-cultural and multi-racial affiliation has created new tropes of existence beyond the 'national', 'immigrant'' or borderland conception. The writers, who have the experience of living in a land where he or she finds himself or herself different from the majority, suffer identity crisis and consider their rootless existence as a kind of exile. Such kind of fragmented existences are quite common in diasporic works and partition novels. But what is to be noted is that such kinds of existences have endowed the writers dynamicism, fluidity and rare creativity.

Keywords: 'home', 'hybridity', 'identity', 'diaspora', 'partition'.

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