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Case Report

Year: 2017 | Month: October | Volume: 4 | Issue: 10 | Pages: 25-28

Non-surgical Management of Gingival Enlargement with Vitamin C – A Case Report

Dr. Aratrika Mukherjee1, Dr. Marenahally Rangaraju Vivekananda2, Dr. Shivamurthy Ravindra3, Dr. Dasappa Shivaprasad4

1Post Graduate Student, 2Reader, 3Professor and Head of Department, 4Senior Lecturer;
Dept of Periodontics, Sri Hasanamba Dental College and Hospital Vidyanagar – 573202, Hassan, Karnataka


Gingival Enlargement (GE) is one of the most common conditions seen in the oral cavity. Etiology can be multifactorial like presence of local and various systemic factors. Chronic inflammatory GE is a plaque induced condition which can affect only the interdental papilla to diffuse enlargement of the marginal gingiva as well. GE is usually managed by surgical excision of the enlarged gingiva. The clinical significance of the article here is a case of GE treated only by non surgical approach of mechanical removal of local factors and adjunct vitamin C given orally with a one year follow up.

Key words: Gingival Enlargement, Plaque Induced, Non Surgical, Vitamin C.

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